Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Ayurveda had been developed approximately BC 600 in India. It is assumed that God himself granted to the sages the insight of Ayurveda (the science of life) for the assistance of human being. The structure of Ayurveda was warily conserved and retain by time-honored family of Ayurvedic physicians. This has been to eight families of doctors known as Ashta Vaidyans. Scientific knowledge has been conducted inherited from father to son. The eldest son practiced separately after the death of his father only. Ayurveda has been an important element of kerala medical life. Kerala’s pleasant climate, monsoon season and natural bounty of forests are always better for healing and treatment of Ayurveda. A variety of aromatic plants and trees are priceless for the production of medicines. The monsoon season in Kerala is the most appropriate climate for Ayurvedic treatment. Herbs used for making Ayurvedic medicine are clean and rich in remedial value at the time of monsoon period.

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